Jerash, Jordan
Eight years ago Paul and I left Jordan after living there for two years. We’ve kept in touch with some great friends there but we never had the chance to go back for a visit. Fast forward and now our best friends, the Swifts, are living in Amman. They only arrived in Jordan at the end of summer, but when we started tossing around the idea of when to visit them, Tracy and I were on the same wave length - the sooner the better! It had after all been four months since we’d seen each other and that was too long! Piper was ecstatic to see Willa and Charlotte again and Paul and I were excited to relive some of our Amman adventures this time with Pi and our good friends.
Jordan has some amazing sites really close to Amman. Jerash, about 45 minutes north, is one of the largest and most well preserved Roman ruin sites in all of the middle east. We had so much fun exploring the ruins with the girls. Charlotte is quite knowledgable of many of the greek/roman gods and goddesses and was a mini tour guide!